Let’s face it, making resolutions to start off the new year doesn’t always feel motivating and inspiring. Especially if you’ve found it difficult to achieve the goals you set for yourself over the last year or more.

Making resolutions can be a powerful experience of setting goals that can truly impact your life for the better, but to do that, you’ll have to choose resolutions that truly bring joy and inspiration into your everyday life.

Rather than resolving to lose weight, start that new fad diet or save half a million dollars, consider choosing resolutions that affect how you feel and experience your life. Instead of exercising to be thinner, resolve to move your body in ways that truly feel good. Commit to gratitude and making time for activities or organizations that add real meaning to your life.

Give yourself the gift of life-changing resolutions that can absolutely help you make this your best year yet, with these powerful resolutions for 2020.

Practice Daily Gratitude
Resolve to do less this year and to be grateful for more, and begin a daily gratitude process. This can be as simple as writing down 10 things you’re grateful for each day, or listing them off out loud before bed. No matter what, make time to notice all the things working for you and going well in your life, and notice how this makes your new year feel that much more special and bright.

Follow Your Passion
If last year ended up feeling like a long slog to the finish line, filled with responsibilities and commitments that sucked away your sense of joy, make this year the year to bring passion and fun back into your life. Resolve to resume playing that instrument you love, taking a dance class you’ve always wanted to try or volunteering at an organization that truly means something to you.

Exercise to Feel Good
Rather than beating yourself up for overindulging over the holidays or your favorite pair of jeans fitting more snugly than you’d like, try on resolving to exercise and move because of how it makes you feel versus how you look. Give your body a break this year, and treat it better than ever. Choose movement and activities that you actually enjoy, so you can truly begin to feel your best.

Detox Your Screen Time
In the new year, commit to looking up from your screens and devices more, and give yourself a solid screen time detox. A worthy detox can last any duration of time that feels right to you. If it means taking a week or month off from social media, or simply putting your phone down by 5 pm every day and refusing to pick it up again until the next morning, then great. Choose the best way to bring your attention back into the present moment and give your screens a new year vacation.

Choose Adventure
Make it your mission to step outside of your comfort zone this year, by choosing an adventurous trip or vacation. Never left the country before? Purchase your passport now, and plan to escape to a foreign destination you’ve always dreamed about? Ready to take that hike, climb that mountain or explore that national forest? Seize the day, and start planning your adventure now.