As your moving day approaches, you likely have a long list of details to tend to. Remember to include your pet in your planning, and take precautions to keep them safe and comfortable before, during and after your move.

The chaos of moving can be especially difficult for pets, and long distance moves come with their own challenges for the furry loved ones in your life. Take steps to help ease the process for them, so you can both move safely and comfortably to your new apartment home.

  • Before you move, make sure your pets have up to date collars and microchips with both your name and contact information (cell phone number is easiest).
  • If your move involves traveling long distances, be sure to reserve pet-friendly hotels along the way, well in advance. If your pet gets car sick, visit your veterinarian to discuss options for treating them.
  • On the day of your move, keep your pet closed off in a secure area, crate or room with a door that closes fully and is properly marked for movers to avoid. The strange sounds and movements that accompany moving can be frightening for even the most socialized and easygoing animals. You will want to give them a safe, comfortable place to rest until you can pack them into their carrier and bring them into the car with you.
  • When actually moving your pet from your old home to new home, be sure that they are secured inside a properly ventilated carrier. Dogs may be transported on leashes, but be sure they are secure inside the vehicle and you have your hands on the leash as soon as doors open. Even relaxed dogs can become spooked by a move and run at the first opportunity they get.
  • If moving long distances, be sure to stop often for cool, fresh water, potty breaks, exercise and play.

Moving is stressful for your pets, and the more you can help them to stay relaxed, have fun and maintain their sense of health and well-being, the better they’ll adjust once the move is complete.